2014 Chicken & Egg Pictures Open Call / www.chickeneggpics.org
Hi there,
A little bird might have told you that Chicken & Egg Pictures’ 2014 Open Call grant process will open June 1st. It's true! Please help us spread the word about application deadlines, as well as the call-in info session we are holding on Thursday, June 5th!
DEADLINES: As a reminder, the early-bird application deadline is Tuesday, June 17, 2014, by 6:00 PM EST, and the final deadline is Tuesday, July 1, 2014, also by 6:00 PM EST. The guidelines for applying, FAQ, and criteria are currently up on our temporary website for applicants to view and start preparing.
INFO SESSION SIGN UP: We're hosting a call-in info session on Thursday, June 5th to walk through the application and guidelines, and answer any questions. SIGN UP by filling out this form before Wednesday, 3pm EST: http://bit.ly/1iwgYNf Our team will reach out to those who sign up with the number to call into.
2014 Special Focus:
In anticipation of Chicken & Egg Pictures' upcoming 10th anniversary, we are prioritizing projects that feature women and girls on screen as prominent characters and storytellers. We look forward to discovering new voices that continue to address the global justice, human rights, and environmental issues of our time — with women and girls at the center.
Feel free to forward this email along, or use the handy text we’ve provided below to easily copy and paste into a newsletter, Facebook, or Twitter. Thanks so much for spreading the word about this amazing opportunity to the women filmmakers, social justice activists, or creative women in your community. We appreciate your help!
Calling all women documentary directors & co-directors: Chicken and Egg Pictures’ 2014 Summer Open Call starts JUNE 1st. If you’re greatly involved in a social issue, or know a compelling character that you’re eager to share, check out the application! Please remember to review all guidelines and FAQs before applying. Check everything out at: http://www.chickeneggpics.org
TWITTER (@chickeneggpics):
Calling women doc directors: Chicken & Egg Pictures Open Call starts June 1! First deadline is June 17, second is July 2. More info here: http://www.chickeneggpics.org
The Chicken & Egg Pictures Team
Chicken & Egg Pictures supports women non-fiction filmmakers whose diverse voices and dynamic storytelling have the power to catalyze change, at home and around the globe. We are looking for filmmakers with powerful stories, unique access to their subjects, a collaborative spirit, and the courage to take creative risks.
영화만들며 놀기<민들레>1999,<애국자게임>2001,<사람은 무엇으로 사는가>2003,<쇼킹패밀리>2006,<잼다큐 강정>2011,<레드마리아>2011,모든영화 인디플러그(http://www.indieplug.net) 에서 다운받아 볼 수 있음.